Options Class for e04nc


public class e04ncOptions
Visual Basic
Public Class e04ncOptions
Visual C++
public ref class e04ncOptions
type e04ncOptions =  class end

Description of the Optional Parameters

For each option, we give a summary line, a description of the optional parameter and details of constraints.
The summary line contains:
  • the keywords, where the minimum abbreviation of each keyword is underlined (if no characters of an optional qualifier are underlined, the qualifier may be omitted);
  • a parameter value, where the letters a, i​ and ​r denote options that take character, integer and real values respectively;
  • the default value, where the symbol ε is a generic notation for machine precision (see x02aj).
Keywords and character values are case and white space insensitive.
Cold Start
Warm Start
This option specifies how the initial working set is chosen. With a Cold Start, e04nc chooses the initial working set based on the values of the variables and constraints at the initial point. Broadly speaking, the initial working set will include equality constraints and bounds or inequality constraints that violate or ‘nearly’ satisfy their bounds (to within Crash Tolerance).
With a Warm Start, you must provide a valid definition of every element of the array istate. e04nc will override your specification of istate if necessary, so that a poor choice of the working set will not cause a fatal error. For instance, any elements of istate which are set to -2, -1​ or ​4 will be reset to zero, as will any elements which are set to 3 when the corresponding elements of bl and bu are not equal. A warm start will be advantageous if a good estimate of the initial working set is available – for example, when e04nc is called repeatedly to solve related problems.
Crash Tolerance
This value is used in conjunction with the optional parameter Cold Start (the default value) when e04nc selects an initial working set. If 0r1, the initial working set will include (if possible) bounds or general inequality constraints that lie within r of their bounds. In particular, a constraint of the form cjTxl will be included in the initial working set if cjTx-lr1+l. If r<0 or r>1, the default value is used.
This special keyword may be used to reset all optional parameters to their default values.
Feasibility Phase Iteration Limit
Optimality Phase Iteration Limit
The scalars i1 and i2 specify the maximum number of iterations allowed in the feasibility and optimality phases. Optional parameter Optimality Phase Iteration Limit is equivalent to optional parameter Iteration Limit. Setting i2=0 and Print Level>0 means that the workspace needed will be computed and printed, but no iterations will be performed. If i1<0 or i2<0, the default value is used.
Feasibility Tolerance
If r>ε, r defines the maximum acceptable absolute violation in each constraint at a ‘feasible’ point. For example, if the variables and the coefficients in the general constaints are of order unity, and the latter are correct to about 6 decimal digits, it would be appropriate to specify r as 10-6. If 0r<ε, the default value is used.
Note that a ‘feasible solution’ is a solution that satisfies the current constraints to within the tolerance r.
This option controls the contents of the upper triangular matrix R (see the description of a in [Parameters]). e04nc works exclusively with the transformed and reordered matrix HQ (8), and hence extra computation is required to form the Hessian itself. If Hessian=NO, a contains the Cholesky factor of the matrix HQ with columns ordered as indicated by kx (see [Parameters]). If Hessian=YES, a contains the Cholesky factor of the matrix H, with columns ordered as indicated by kx.
Infinite Bound Size
If r>0, r defines the ‘infinite’ bound bigbnd in the definition of the problem constraints. Any upper bound greater than or equal to bigbnd will be regarded as + (and similarly any lower bound less than or equal to -bigbnd will be regarded as -). If r<0, the default value is used.
Infinite Step Size
If r>0, r specifies the magnitude of the change in variables that will be considered a step to an unbounded solution. (Note that an unbounded solution can occur only when the Hessian is singular and the objective contains an explicit linear term.) If the change in x during an iteration would exceed the value of r, the objective function is considered to be unbounded below in the feasible region. If r0, the default value is used.
Iteration Limit
See optional parameter Feasibility Phase Iteration Limit.
Normally each optional parameter specification is printed as it is supplied. Optional parameter Nolist may be used to suppress the printing and optional parameter List may be used to restore printing.
Monitoring File
If i0 and Print Level5, monitoring information produced by e04nc at every iteration is sent to a file with logical unit number i. If i<0 and/or Print Level<5, no monitoring information is produced.
Print Level
The value of i controls the amount of printout produced by e04nc, as indicated below. A detailed description of the printed output is given in [Description of the Printed Output] (summary output at each iteration and the final solution) and [Description of Monitoring Information] (monitoring information at each iteration).
The following printout is sent to the current advisory message unit (as defined by (X04ABF not in this release)):
00No output.
01The final solution only.
05One line of summary output (<80 characters; see [Description of the Printed Output]) for each iteration (no printout of the final solution).
10The final solution and one line of summary output for each iteration.
The following printout is sent to the logical unit number defined by the optional parameter Monitoring File:
<5No output.
5One long line of output (>80 characters; see [Description of Monitoring Information]) for each iteration (no printout of the final solution).
20At each iteration, the Lagrange multipliers, the variables x, the constraint values Cx and the constraint status.
30At each iteration, the diagonal elements of the matrix T associated with the TQ factorization (4) (see [Definition of Search Direction]) of the working set, and the diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix R.
If Print Level5 and the unit number defined by the optional parameter Monitoring File is the same as that defined by (X04ABF not in this release), then the summary output is suppressed.
Problem Type
This option specifies the type of objective function to be minimized during the optimality phase. The following are the nine optional keywords and the dimensions of the arrays that must be specified in order to define the objective function:
LPa and b not referenced, cvec[n-1];
QP1a[lda-1,n-1] symmetric, b and cvec not referenced;
QP2a[lda-1,n-1] symmetric, b not referenced, cvec[n-1];
QP3a[lda-1,n-1] upper trapezoidal, kx[n-1], b and cvec not referenced;
QP4a[lda-1,n-1] upper trapezoidal, kx[n-1], b not referenced, cvec[n-1];
LS1a[lda-1,n-1], b[m-1], cvec not referenced;
LS2a[lda-1,n-1], b[m-1], cvec[n-1];
LS3a[lda-1,n-1] upper trapezoidal, kx[n-1], b[m-1], cvec not referenced;
LS4a[lda-1,n-1] upper trapezoidal, kx[n-1], b[m-1], cvec[n-1].
For problems of type FP, the objective function is omitted and a, b and cvec are not referenced.
The following keywords are also acceptable. The minimum abbreviation of each keyword is underlined.
In addition, the keywords LS and LSQ are equivalent to the default option LS1, and the keyword QP is equivalent to the option QP2.
If A=0, i.e., the objective function is purely linear, the efficiency of e04nc may be increased by specifying a as LP.
Rank Tolerance
Note that this option does not apply to problems of type FP or LP.
The default value of r depends on the problem type. If A occurs as a least squares matrix, as it does in problem types QP1, LS1 and LS3, then the default value of r is 100ε. In all other cases, A is treated as the ‘square root’ of the Hessian matrix H and r has the default value 10ε.
This parameter enables you to control the estimate of the triangular factor R1 (see [Main Iteration]). If ρi denotes the function ρi=maxR11,R22,,Rii, the rank of R is defined to be smallest index i such that Ri+1,i+1rρi+1. If r0, the default value is used.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also