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Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_ode_ivp_stiff_integ_diag (d02ny)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_ode_ivp_stiff_integ_diag (d02ny) is a diagnostic function which you may call either after any user-specified exit or after a mid-integration error exit from any of those integrators in Sub-chapter D02M–N that use methods set up by calls to nag_ode_ivp_stiff_dassl (d02mv), nag_ode_ivp_stiff_bdf (d02nv) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_blend (d02nw).


[hu, h, tcur, tolsf, nst, nre, nje, nqu, nq, niter, imxer, algequ, ifail] = d02ny(neq, neqmax, rwork, inform)
[hu, h, tcur, tolsf, nst, nre, nje, nqu, nq, niter, imxer, algequ, ifail] = nag_ode_ivp_stiff_integ_diag(neq, neqmax, rwork, inform)


nag_ode_ivp_stiff_integ_diag (d02ny) permits you to inspect statistics produced by any integrator in this sub-chapter that has been set up a call to one of nag_ode_ivp_stiff_dassl (d02mv), nag_ode_ivp_stiff_bdf (d02nv) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_blend (d02nw). These statistics concern the integration only.


See the D02M–N Sub-chapter Introduction.


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     neq int64int32nag_int scalar
The value used for the argument neq when calling the integrator.
Constraint: neq1.
2:     neqmax int64int32nag_int scalar
The value used for the argument neqmax when calling the integrator.
Constraint: neqmaxneq.
3:     rwork50+4×neq – double array
Contains information supplied by the integrator.
4:     inform23 int64int32nag_int array
Contains information supplied by the integrator.

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     hu – double scalar
The last successful step size.
2:     h – double scalar
The proposed next step size for continuing the integration.
3:     tcur – double scalar
t, the value of the independent variable which the integrator has actually reached. tcur will always be at least as far as the output value of the argument t in the direction of integration, but may be further (if overshooting and interpolation at tout was specified, e.g., see nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_fulljac (d02nb)).
4:     tolsf – double scalar
A tolerance scale factor, tolsf1.0, which is computed when a request for too much accuracy is detected by the integrator (indicated by a return with ifail=3 or 14). If itol is left unaltered but rtol and atol are uniformly scaled up by a factor of tolsf the next call to the integrator is deemed likely to succeed.
5:     nst int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of steps taken in the integration so far.
6:     nre int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of function or residual evaluations (fcn (e.g., see nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_fulljac (d02nb)) or resid (e.g., see nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_fulljac (d02ng)) calls) used in the integration so far.
7:     nje int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of Jacobian evaluations used in the integration so far. This equals the number of matrix LU decompositions.
8:     nqu int64int32nag_int scalar
The order of the method last used (successfully) in the integration.
9:     nq int64int32nag_int scalar
The proposed order of the method for continuing the integration.
10:   niter int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of iterations performed in the integration so far by the nonlinear equation solver.
11:   imxer int64int32nag_int scalar
The index of the component of largest magnitude in the weighted local error vector ei/wi, for i=1,2,,neq.
12:   algequneq – logical array
algequi=true if the ith equation integrated was detected to be algebraic, otherwise algequi=false. Note that when the integrators for explicit equations are being used, then algequi=false, for i=1,2,,neq.
13:   ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
On entry,neq<1,
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


Not applicable.

Further Comments

Statistics for sparse matrix linear algebra calls (if appropriate) may be determined by a call to nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_diag (d02nx).


See Example in nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_fulljac (d02nb).
function d02ny_example

fprintf('d02ny example results\n\n');

% Initialize integration method setup variables and arrays.
neq    = int64(3);
neqmax = int64(neq);
nwkjac = int64(neqmax*(neqmax + 1));
maxord = int64(5);
sdysav = int64(maxord+1);
maxstp = int64(200);
mxhnil = int64(5);

h0    = 0;
hmax  = 10;
hmin  = 1.0e-10;
tcrit = 20;
petzld = false;

const  = zeros(6, 1);
rwork  = zeros(50+4*neqmax, 1);

[const, rwork, ifail] = d02nv(neqmax, sdysav, maxord, 'Newton', petzld, ...
                              const, tcrit, hmin, hmax, h0, maxstp, ...
                              mxhnil, 'Average-L2', rwork);

% Setup for numerical Jacbian using d02ns
nwkjac = int64(neq*(neq+1));
[rwork, ifail] = d02ns( ...
			neq, neq, 'Numerical', nwkjac, rwork);

% Initialize variables and arrays for integration
t      = 0;
tout   = 10;
y      = [1; 0; 0];
rtol   = [0.0001];
atol   = [1e-07];
itol   = int64(1);
inform = zeros(23, 1, 'int64');
ysave  = zeros(neq, sdysav);
wkjac  = zeros(nwkjac, 1);
itask  = int64(4);
itrace = int64(0);

% Integrate ODE from t=0 to t=tout, no monitoring, using d02nb
[t, y, ydot, rwork, inform, ysave, wkjac, ifail] = ...
  d02nb( ...
	 t, tout, y, rwork, rtol, atol, itol, inform, @fcn, ysave, ...
	 @jac, wkjac, 'd02nby', itask, itrace);

% Get diagnostics
[hu, h, tcur, tolsf, nst, nre, nje, nqu, nq, nit, imxer, algequ, ifail] = ...
  d02ny( ...
         neq, neqmax, rwork, inform);

% Get solution at tout
[y, ifail] = d02mz( ...
                    tout, neq, neq, ysave, rwork);

% Print solution and diagnostics
fprintf(' At t = %8.3f, y(1:3) = %5.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f\n', t, y);
fprintf('\nDiagnostic information\n integration status:\n');
fprintf('   last and next step sizes = %8.5f, %8.5f\n',hu, h);
fprintf('   integration stopped at x = %8.5f\n',tcur);
fprintf(' algorithm statistics:\n');
fprintf('   number of time-steps and Newton iterations  = %5d %5d\n',nst,nit);
fprintf('   number of residual and jacobian evaluations = %5d %5d\n',nre,nje);
fprintf('   order of method last used and next to use   = %5d %5d\n',nqu,nq);
fprintf('   component with largest error                = %5d\n',imxer);

function [f, ires] = fcn(neq, t, y, ires)
  % Evaluate derivative vector.
  f = zeros(3,1);
  f(1) = -0.04d0*y(1) + 1.0d4*y(2)*y(3);
  f(2) = 0.04d0*y(1) - 1.0d4*y(2)*y(3) - 3.0d7*y(2)*y(2);
  f(3) = 3.0d7*y(2)*y(2);

function p = jac(neq, t, y, h, d, p)
  % Evaluate the Jacobian.
  p = zeros(neq, neq);
  hxd = h*d;
  p(1,1) = 1.0d0 - hxd*(-0.04d0);
  p(1,2) = -hxd*(1.0d4*y(3));
  p(1,3) = -hxd*(1.0d4*y(2));
  p(2,1) = -hxd*(0.04d0);
  p(2,2) = 1.0d0 - hxd*(-1.0d4*y(3)-6.0d7*y(2));
  p(2,3) = -hxd*(-1.0d4*y(2));
  p(3,2) = -hxd*(6.0d7*y(2));
  p(3,3) = 1.0d0 - hxd*(0.0d0);
d02ny example results

 At t =   10.000, y(1:3) =   0.8,   0.0,   0.2

Diagnostic information
 integration status:
   last and next step sizes =  0.90178,  0.90178
   integration stopped at x = 10.76621
 algorithm statistics:
   number of time-steps and Newton iterations  =    55    78
   number of residual and jacobian evaluations =   128    16
   order of method last used and next to use   =     4     4
   component with largest error                =     3

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015