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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) is the third in a suite of three functions for the iterative solution of a symmetric system of simultaneous linear equations (see Golub and Van Loan (1996)). nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) returns information about the computations during an iteration and/or after this has been completed. The first function of the suite, nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd), is a setup function, the second function, nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) is the proper iterative solver.
These three functions are suitable for the solution of large sparse symmetric systems of equations.


[itn, stplhs, stprhs, anorm, sigmax, its, sigerr, ifail] = f11gf(work)
[itn, stplhs, stprhs, anorm, sigmax, its, sigerr, ifail] = nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag(work)
Note: the interface to this routine has changed since earlier releases of the toolbox:
At Mark 22: lwork was removed from the interface


nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) returns information about the solution process. It can be called both during a monitoring step of the solver nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge), or after this solver has completed its tasks. Calling nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) at any other time will result in an error condition being raised.
For further information you should read the documentation for nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd) and nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge).


Golub G H and Van Loan C F (1996) Matrix Computations (3rd Edition) Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     worklwork – double array
lwork, the dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint lwork120.
The array work as returned by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) (see also Description in nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge)).

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     itn int64int32nag_int scalar
The number of iterations carried out by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge).
2:     stplhs – double scalar
The current value of the left-hand side of the termination criterion used by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge).
3:     stprhs – double scalar
The current value of the right-hand side of the termination criterion used by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge).
4:     anorm – double scalar
For CG and SYMMLQ methods, the norm A1=A when either it has been supplied to nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd) or it has been estimated by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) (see also Description and Arguments in nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd)). Otherwise, anorm=0.0 is returned.
For MINRES method, an estimate of the infinity norm of the preconditioned matrix operator.
5:     sigmax – double scalar
For CG and SYMMLQ methods, the current estimate of the largest singular value σ1A- of the preconditioned iteration matrix A-=E-1AE-T, when either it has been supplied to nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd) or it has been estimated by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) (see also Description and Arguments in nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd)). Note that if its<itn then sigmax contains the final estimate. If, on final exit from nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge), its=itn, then the estimation of σ1A- may have not converged; in this case you should look at the value returned in sigerr. Otherwise, sigmax=0.0 is returned.
For MINRES method, an estimate of the final transformed residual.
6:     its int64int32nag_int scalar
For CG and SYMMLQ methods, the number of iterations employed so far in the computation of the estimate of σ1A-, the largest singular value of the preconditioned matrix A-=E-1AE-T, when σ1A- has been estimated by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) using the bisection method (see also Description, Arguments and Further Comments in nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd)). Otherwise, its=0 is returned.
7:     sigerr – double scalar
For CG and SYMMLQ methods, if σ1A- has been estimated by nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) using bisection,
sigerr=maxσ1k-σ1k-1σ1k,σ1k-σ1k-2σ1k ,  
where k=its denotes the iteration number. The estimation has converged if sigerrsigtol where sigtol is an input argument to nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd). Otherwise, sigerr=0.0 is returned.
For MINRES method, an estimate of the condition number of the preconditioned matrix.
8:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
If ifail=-i, parameter i had an illegal value on entry. The parameters are numbered as follows:
1: itn, 2: stplhs, 3: stprhs, 4: anorm, 5: sigmax, 6: its, 7: sigerr, 8: work, 9: lwork, 10: ifail.
It is possible that ifail refers to a parameter that is omitted from the MATLAB interface. This usually indicates that an error in one of the other input parameters has caused an incorrect value to be inferred.
nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_diag (f11gf) has been called out of sequence. For example, the last call to nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_solver (f11ge) did not return irevcm=3 or 4.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


Not applicable.

Further Comments



See Example in nag_sparse_real_symm_basic_setup (f11gd).
function f11gf_example

fprintf('f11gf example results\n\n');

% Sparse matrix A
n    = int64(7);
nz   = int64(16);
a    = zeros(1000,1);
irow = zeros(1000,1,'int64');
icol = irow;

a(1:16)    = [4  1  5  2  2  3 -1  1  4  1 -2  3  2 -1 -2  5];
irow(1:16) = [1  2  2  3  4  4  5  5  5  6  6  6  7  7  7  7];  
icol(1:16) = [1  1  2  3  2  4  1  4  5  2  5  6  1  2  3  7];

% Incomplete Cholesky factorization, zero fill
lfill  = int64(0);
dtol   = 0;
mic    = 'N';
dscale = 0;
ipiv   = zeros(n, 1, 'int64');

[a, irow, icol, ipiv, istr, nnzc, npivm, ifail] = ...
f11ja( ...
       nz, a, irow, icol, lfill, dtol, mic, dscale, ipiv);

% Solver setup
method = 'CG';
precon = 'P';
tol    = 1e-6;
maxitn = int64(20);
anorm  = 0;
sigmax = 0;
maxits = int64(7);
monit  = int64(2);

[lwreq, work, ifail] = ...
  f11gd(method, precon, n, tol, maxitn, anorm, sigmax, ...
        maxits, monit, 'sigcmp', 'S', 'norm_p', '1');

% Solver inputs
irevcm = int64(0);
u      = zeros(n,1);
v      = [15; 18; -8; 21; 11; 10; 29];
wgt    = zeros(n,1);

% Reverse communication loop
while (irevcm ~= 4)
  [irevcm, u, v, work, ifail] = f11ge( ...
                                       irevcm, u, v, wgt, work);
  if (irevcm == 1)
    % v = Au
    [v, ifail] = f11xe( ...
                        a, irow, icol, 'N', u, 'nz', nz);
  elseif (irevcm == 2)
    % preconditioner
    [v, ifail] = f11jb( ...
                        a, irow, icol, ipiv, istr, 'N', u);
  elseif (irevcm == 3)
    [itn, stplhs, stprhs, anorm, sigmax, its, sigerr, ifail] = ...

    fprintf('\nMonitoring at iteration number %d\n',itn);
    fprintf('residual norm: %14.4e\n\n', stplhs);
    fprintf('   Solution Vector  Residual Vector\n');
    fprintf('%16.4f  %16.4e\n', [u'; v']);

% Get information about the computation
[itn, stplhs, stprhs, anorm, sigmax, its, sigerr, ifail] = f11gf(work);
fprintf('\nNumber of iterations for convergence: %d\n', itn);
fprintf('Residual norm:                           %14.4e\n', stplhs);
fprintf('Right-hand side of termination criteria: %14.4e\n', stprhs);
fprintf('i-norm of matrix a:                      %14.4e\n', anorm);
fprintf('\n   Solution Vector  Residual Vector\n');
fprintf('%16.4f  %12.2e\n', [u'; v']);

f11gf example results

Monitoring at iteration number 2
residual norm:     1.9938e+00

   Solution Vector  Residual Vector
          0.9632       -2.2960e-01
          1.9934        2.2254e-01
          3.0583        9.5827e-02
          4.1453       -2.5155e-01
          4.8289       -1.7160e-01
          5.6630        6.7533e-01
          7.1062       -3.4737e-01

Monitoring at iteration number 4
residual norm:     6.6574e-03

   Solution Vector  Residual Vector
          0.9994       -1.0551e-03
          2.0011       -2.4675e-03
          3.0008       -1.7116e-05
          3.9996        4.4929e-05
          4.9991        2.1359e-03
          5.9993       -8.7482e-04
          7.0007        6.2045e-05

Number of iterations for convergence: 5
Residual norm:                               2.0428e-14
Right-hand side of termination criteria:     3.9200e-04
i-norm of matrix a:                          1.0000e+01

   Solution Vector  Residual Vector
          1.0000      0.00e+00
          2.0000      0.00e+00
          3.0000     -2.66e-15
          4.0000     -3.55e-15
          5.0000     -5.33e-15
          6.0000      1.78e-15
          7.0000      7.11e-15

PDF version (NAG web site, 64-bit version, 64-bit version)
Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015