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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_correg_lars_param (g02mc)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_correg_lars_param (g02mc) calculates additional parameter estimates following Least Angle Regression (LARS), forward stagewise linear regression or Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) as performed by nag_correg_lars (g02ma) and nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb).


[nb, ifail] = g02mc(b, fitsum, ktype, nk, 'nstep', nstep, 'ip', ip, 'lnk', lnk)
[nb, ifail] = nag_correg_lars_param(b, fitsum, ktype, nk, 'nstep', nstep, 'ip', ip, 'lnk', lnk)


nag_correg_lars (g02ma) and nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb) fit either a LARS, forward stagewise linear regression, LASSO or positive LASSO model to a vector of n observed values, y = yi : i=1,2,,n  and an n×p design matrix X, where the jth column of X is given by the jth independent variable xj. The models are fit using the LARS algorithm of Efron et al. (2004).
GnuplotProduced by GNUPLOT 4.6 patchlevel 3 −1 0 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Parameter Estimates (βkj) ||βk||1 gnuplot_plot_1 βk1 gnuplot_plot_2 βk2 gnuplot_plot_3 βk3 gnuplot_plot_4 βk4 gnuplot_plot_5 βk5 gnuplot_plot_6 βk6
Figure 1
The full solution path for all four of these models follow a similar pattern where the parameter estimate for a given variable is piecewise linear. One such path, for a LARS model with six variables p=6 can be seen in Figure 1. Both nag_correg_lars (g02ma) and nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb) return the vector of p parameter estimates, βk, at K points along this path (so k=1,2,,K). Each point corresponds to a step of the LARS algorithm. The number of steps taken depends on the model being fitted. In the case of a LARS model, K=p and each step corresponds to a new variable being included in the model. In the case of the LASSO models, each step corresponds to either a new variable being included in the model or an existing variable being removed from the model; the value of K is therefore no longer bound by the number of parameters. For forward stagewise linear regression, each step no longer corresponds to the addition or removal of a variable; therefore the number of possible steps is often markedly greater than for a corresponding LASSO model.
nag_correg_lars_param (g02mc) uses the piecewise linear nature of the solution path to predict the parameter estimates, β~, at a different point on this path. The location of the solution can either be defined in terms of a (fractional) step number or a function of the L1 norm of the parameter estimates.


Efron B, Hastie T, Johnstone I and Tibshirani R (2004) Least Angle Regression The Annals of Statistics (Volume 32) 2 407–499
Hastie T, Tibshirani R and Friedman J (2001) The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference and Prediction Springer (New York)
Tibshirani R (1996) Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso Journal of the Royal Statistics Society, Series B (Methodological) (Volume 58) 1 267–288
Weisberg S (1985) Applied Linear Regression Wiley


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     bldb: – double array
The first dimension of the array b must be at least ip.
The second dimension of the array b must be at least nstep+1.
β the parameter estimates, as returned by nag_correg_lars (g02ma) and nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb), with bjk=βkj, the parameter estimate for the jth variable, for j=1,2,,p, at the kth step of the model fitting process.
Constraint: b should be unchanged since the last call to nag_correg_lars (g02ma) or nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb).
2:     fitsum6nstep+1 – double array
Summaries of the model fitting process, as returned by nag_correg_lars (g02ma) and nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb).
Constraint: fitsum should be unchanged since the last call to nag_correg_lars (g02ma) or nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb)..
3:     ktype int64int32nag_int scalar
Indicates what target values are held in nk.
nk holds (fractional) LARS step numbers.
nk holds values for L1 norm of the (scaled) parameters.
nk holds ratios with respect to the largest (scaled) L1 norm.
nk holds values for the L1 norm of the (unscaled) parameters.
nk holds ratios with respect to the largest (unscaled) L1 norm.
If nag_correg_lars (g02ma) was called with pred=0 or 1 or nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb) was called with pred=0 then the model fitting routine did not rescale the independent variables, X, prior to fitting the model and therefore there is no difference between ktype=2 or 3 and ktype=4 or 5.
Constraint: ktype=1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
4:     nklnk – double array
Target values used for predicting the new set of parameter estimates.
  • if ktype=1, 0nkinstep, for i=1,2,,lnk;
  • if ktype=2, 0nkifitsum1nstep, for i=1,2,,lnk;
  • if ktype=3 or 5, 0nki1, for i=1,2,,lnk;
  • if ktype=4, 0nkiβK1, for i=1,2,,lnk.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     nstep int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the second dimension of fitsum - 1  
K, the number of steps carried out in the model fitting process.
Constraint: nstep0.
2:     ip int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the first dimension of the array b.
p, number of parameter estimates.
Constraint: ip1.
3:     lnk int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the array nk.
Number of values supplied in nk.
Constraint: lnk1.

Output Parameters

1:     nbldnb: – double array
The first dimension of the array nb will be ip.
The second dimension of the array nb will be lnk.
β~ the predicted parameter estimates, with bji=β~ij, the parameter estimate for variable j, j=1,2,,p at the point in the fitting process associated with nki, i=1,2,,lnk.
2:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Note: nag_correg_lars_param (g02mc) may return useful information for one or more of the following detected errors or warnings.
Errors or warnings detected by the function:
Constraint: nstep0.
Constraint: ip1.
b has been corrupted since the last call to nag_correg_lars (g02ma) or nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb).
Constraint: ldbip.
fitsum has been corrupted since the last call to nag_correg_lars (g02ma) or nag_correg_lars_xtx (g02mb).
Constraint: ktype=1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Constraint: 0nkinstep for all i.
Constraint: 0nkifitsum1nstep for all i.
Constraint: 0nki1 for all i.
Constraint: 0nkiβK1 for all i.
Constraint: lnk1.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


Not applicable.

Further Comments



This example performs a LARS on a set a simulated dataset with 20 observations and 6 independent variables.
Additional parameter estimates are obtained corresponding to a LARS step number of 0.2,1.2,3.2,4.5 and 5.2. Where, for example, 4.5 corresponds to the solution halfway between that obtained at step 4 and that obtained at step 5.
function g02mc_example

fprintf('g02mc example results\n\n');

% Going to be fitting a LAR model via g02ma and getting g02ma
% to mean center y and normalise X around the mean
mtype = int64(1);
pred = int64(3);
prey = int64(1);

% Independent variables
d = [10.28  1.77  9.69 15.58  8.23 10.44;
      9.08  8.99 11.53  6.57 15.89 12.58;
     17.98 13.10  1.04 10.45 10.12 16.68;
     14.82 13.79 12.23  7.00  8.14  7.79;
     17.53  9.41  6.24  3.75 13.12 17.08;
      7.78 10.38  9.83  2.58 10.13  4.25;
     11.95 21.71  8.83 11.00 12.59 10.52;
     14.60 10.09 -2.70  9.89 14.67  6.49;
      3.63  9.07 12.59 14.09  9.06  8.19;
      6.35  9.79  9.40 12.79  8.38 16.79;
      4.66  3.55 16.82 13.83 21.39 13.88;
      8.32 14.04 17.17  7.93  7.39 -1.09;
     10.86 13.68  5.75 10.44 10.36 10.06;
      4.76  4.92 17.83  2.90  7.58 11.97;
      5.05 10.41  9.89  9.04  7.90 13.12;
      5.41  9.32  5.27 15.53  5.06 19.84;
      9.77  2.37  9.54 20.23  9.33  8.82;
     14.28  4.34 14.23 14.95 18.16 11.03;
     10.17  6.80  3.17  8.57 16.07 15.93;
      5.39  2.67  6.37 13.56 10.68  7.35];

% Dependent variable
y = [-46.47; -35.80; -129.22;  -42.44; -73.51;
     -26.61; -63.90;  -76.73;  -32.64; -83.29;
     -16.31;  -5.82;  -47.75;   18.38; -54.71;
     -55.62; -45.28;  -22.76; -104.32; -55.94];

% g02ma can issue warnings, but return sensible results,
% so save current warning state and turn warnings on
warn_state = nag_issue_warnings();

% Call the model fitting routine
[b,fitsum,ifail] = g02ma(mtype,d,y);

% Reset the warning state to its initial value

% Set how the additional estimates will be specified

% Location of additional parameter estimates (as defined by the
% LARS step number)
ktype = int64(1);
nk = [0.2; 1.2; 3.2; 4.5; 5.2];

% Calculate the additional parameter estimates
[nb,ifail] = g02mc(b,fitsum,ktype,nk);

% Print the results
ip = size(b,1);
K = size(b,2) - 2;
lnk = size(nk,1);

fprintf(' Parameter Estimates from g02ma\n');
fprintf('  Step %s Parameter Estimate\n ',repmat(' ',1,max(ip-2,0)*5));
for k = 1:K
  fprintf('  %3d',k);
  for j = 1:ip
    fprintf(' %9.3f',b(j,k));

fprintf(' Additional Parameter Estimates from g02mc\n');
fprintf('   nk  %s Parameter Estimate\n ',repmat(' ',1,max(ip-2,0)*5));
for k = 1:lnk
  fprintf('  %4.1f',nk(k));
  for j = 1:ip
    fprintf(' %9.3f',nb(j,k));

g02mc example results

 Parameter Estimates from g02ma
  Step                      Parameter Estimate
    1     0.000     0.000     3.125     0.000     0.000     0.000
    2     0.000     0.000     3.792     0.000     0.000    -0.713
    3    -0.446     0.000     3.998     0.000     0.000    -1.151
    4    -0.628    -0.295     4.098     0.000     0.000    -1.466
    5    -1.060    -1.056     4.110    -0.864     0.000    -1.948
    6    -1.073    -1.132     4.118    -0.935    -0.059    -1.981

 Additional Parameter Estimates from g02mc
   nk                       Parameter Estimate
   0.2     0.000     0.000     0.625     0.000     0.000     0.000
   1.2     0.000     0.000     3.258     0.000     0.000    -0.143
   3.2    -0.483    -0.059     4.018     0.000     0.000    -1.214
   4.5    -0.844    -0.676     4.104    -0.432     0.000    -1.707
   5.2    -1.062    -1.071     4.112    -0.878    -0.012    -1.955

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

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